Grand Duchy of Amalfi

Stemma Amalfi Amalfi, between sea and mountains is a town nestled in the slopes of the Lattari Mountains south of the Sorrento Peninsula in the Gulf of Salerno.
With its ‘almost’ 5000 inhabitants, Amalfi is a town overlooking the Mediterranean Sea that was already home to one of the most important and powerful Ducati since the first centuries after Christ. Its architecture closely resembles Arab and Byzantine landscapes, influenced by its imposing presence in maritime traffic that it had as a maritime republic with Arab ports.
The mountains close to the city have a very steep profile on which the men of Amalfi, expert farmers, have created huge terraces allowing the cultivation of the famous Amalfi ‘sfusato’ lemon, the only lemon suitable for the creation of the famous Limoncello liqueur.
Huge mills were created in the inlets present downstream of the town for the production of Amalfi paper and for the production of iron for nails. Since the last century the ‘Divine’ Amalfi Coast with Amalfi in the center was discovered by the general public who appreciated it for the quiet of its small villages and for the wonderful unspoiled nature today protected by the UNESCO foundation.